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November 03, 2021 5 min read

Choosing the right font for your custom t-shirt can be challenging. You will be amazed to know that there are a total of 176 fonts that you can choose from when you are designing a custom T-shirt at Custom One Online. While the choices can impress you, for a novice it can be overwhelming too. How can you decide which is the best font for your design when you have little or no knowledge of designing and typography?

Fret not! With this post, we are all set to help you understand the best font style for T-shirt design. We hope that by the end of this article you will have enough information about the best T-shirt fonts to make an informed decision when designing your custom T-shirt @ Custom One Online.

Let’s start with-

How To Select Font for Custom T-Shirt

‘Why font selection is such a big deal?”

The font is a key element of T-shirt design. Adding one-liners, quotes and phrases to our custom t-shirts to make them look cool is a popular trend. But do you know that even the best of the quotes and phrases lose their glory if they aren’t printed on a custom t-shirt using the right font.

If you want to connect with your audience and bring their attention to the cause, you need to make the design of the t-shirt stand out and it is possible with the right font?.

How to select the best font?

You need to be smart to choose the right font. Ask yourself three questions:

  • Who is your target audience?
  • What do you want to communicate?
  • What is the priority- Looks or Message?

Depending on the answer to these questions, you can choose the right font type for your custom t-shirt.   

Here are some different types of fonts for your custom t-shirt design. 

Montserrat & Graduate

Love minimalism, Montserrat is the font for you. It is a clean and sophisticated font that looks best when written in upper case letters with space in between. Pro designers suggest using the font with a curved design.

Graduate is one of the best free fonts for a T-shirt design that features arched letters in upper case. It is the best-recommended T-shirt font for sports events and school/ college fests.

Shrikhand & Special EliteShrikhand-Font-T-Shirt

Get the retro and bold appeal for your T-shirts with Shrikhand. It brings focus to the design and the words you want to highlight. You can also use bright colors like red, blue and green to add a groovy appeal.

If you are adding crisp quotes to the T-shirts, using Special Elite is recommended. It is an old-school font that replicates the typewriter text. If you want to accentuate the effect, using an all lower case font is your key.

Sue Ellen Francisco

Sue Ellen Francisco is a preferred choice when you are creating a T-shirt with inspirational quotes. It uses the creator’s own handwriting and is one of the best T-shirt fonts free to create a minimalistic look.

Archivo Narrow

An impressive font with a diverse profile, Archivo Narrow can be used for the core design as well as the little text that you add to a graphic. With its clear, bold and crisp style, this font is very impressive.

Oswald & Sacramento

Oswald is your font choice when you need to make small, clear and slim designer quotes. In a standard setting, the font looks very impressive. You can use it in both small and large sizes.

A font with a feminine appeal, Sacramento looks very unique and refined. Paired with sans serif T-shirt fonts styles, this font looks very attractive. To make it work more, add a space between the letter and you are done.

Caveat Brush

If you are adding textural drawings or sketches to the garment design, Caveat Brush is one of the best fonts for T-shirt printing. The glamor of Caveat Brush comes out when you use upper case letters to write the best quotes.

Amatic SC & Ultra

For your love of nature and the outdoors, the Amatic SC font is a perfect choice, if you are designing a shirt for your next nature adventure, use Amatic SC. It is perfect for creating camping, boating, hiking and other outdoorsy T-shirts.

The layering technique is great to create impressions with your T-shirt and Ultra is your font for this technique. Create a retro shadow effect with this font. It looks great when paired with contrasting colors & texts.

Abril Fatface

Let your ideas take a free turn with this font. It is one of the popular T-shirt fonts styles when you are aiming to create a bold impression. With this font, you can incorporate the message as the central part of the design.

Homemade Apple

Another one of the best fonts for T-shirt design free download that is handwritten. Homemade Apple features crisp strokes which create the illusion of crayon or pencil writing on any surface.

Barrio & Bitter

Take a unique approach for your casual T-shirt designs with Barrio. The youthful and playful font has all types of funny shapes to add to your designs and the choice of font thickness makes the font appealing.

If you are considering making a mix of large and small fonts sizes on your t shirt to highlight the words, Bitter is very useful. It is one of the best fonts for T-shirt printing.

Permanent Marker

The name says it all! Imagine a text written on a surface with a permanent marker, the font looks the same. For more grace, use it in all bold letters and contrast color choices.

Josefin Sans

This is one sophisticated font that looks very delicate. Because of its subtleness, it is very important that you make a good contrast between the font color and fabric color.

Yeseva One

Love wearing those positive vibe T-shirts? Make one using Yeseva One and experience the magic. For best looks, use small letters with spaces.

Wire One & Titan One

If the message is the core of your design, use Wire One to highlight it. When used on the backdrop of a texture or color, it looks amazing.

Titan one is the best T-shirt fonts free to layer message on an image. It is a bold font that offers you a lot of versatility.


Pair it with a curved text design and see the magic. A perfect design underneath an all-capital text in Anton looks great.

Libre Baskerville

It is a font of the future and has a sharp line to write your text. Extra space between the letters makes great effects.


You can create a contrast with the background and also highlight important letters with Bungee.

Love Ya Like A Sister

A youthful font for creating a childlike and playful T-shirt. It looks very hand-drawn and even better when you pick bright colors.

Architects Daughter

It matches the handwriting of a boxy architecture. If you want a custom and handmade appeal, use this font.

The art of font pairing:

Font pairing is a proven practice that helps you enhance the appeal of your t-shirt. Certain fonts when paired together create finer impressions than they do alone. However, the wrong choice can break the entire effect. Hence, choosing the best font pairing is important. Here are the key rules of font pairing:

  • Create contrast with the font. Use a bold font with a comparatively delicate one.
  • Keep the right space between the fonts.
  • Do not conflict by using two very similar fonts.
  • Pair fonts that are from the same family and ideal for your message.

Some amazing font pairing ideas include:

  • Amantic SC with Oswald or Crafty Girls for an outdoorsy vibe.
  • Sacramento with Roboto or Montserrat for a feminine appeal.
  • Special Elite with Oswald or Merriweather for sleek design.
  • Bitter with Lato or Roboto for some craziness.

Now that you know the best free fonts for T-shirt design, pick the most suitable one and get started with your design process @ Custom One Online.